Monday, 24 June 2013


Would I but have a mirror
That could go
Into the past
And reflect what’s coming
Would my choices be different?
Compromising  everyday thought’s
Willing them not to be my last
Not enduring life
But running through the fields
On golden dandelions
Clutching, grabing , holding
Remembering three young girls
On the shoulders
Of one strong Dad
Laughing, giggling, screaming
Capturing a moment
Lost forever in time
Or just bound
In the recess of my heart.

A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost-Marion C. Garretty
Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer-Louise Gluck

Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.-Author unknown
An older sister is a friend and defender-a listener, conspirator, a counsellor and a sharer of delights. And sorrows too.-Pam Brown
Sibling relationships-and 80 percent of Americans have at least one-outlast marriages, survive the death of parents,resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance , warmth, and loyalty. US News Jan 1994
Maybe its the weather, maybe its the singing of old hymns in church or the laughter between the grandchildren. Something stirred my heart a little more than usual and the old longing came back.
The wanting to see my sisters just one more time. The talks that I'm missing out on. The growing old together. The rah, rah I'm here for you sister. Life's gonna be okay. Let me walk beside you today, everythings gonna be okay. 
Amazing Grace 
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I'm found
Was blind, but now I see
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did
that grace appear 
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone
I've been set free
My God, my Saviour has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love, amazing grace
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures

Thankful for:
Songs that remind me of where I came from
The memories of sisters
Being able to face each day, one day at a time
Family and friends
The rain reminding me the sun will shine again

Friday, 21 June 2013

Cheerleading Squad

Recently I had the Honor to cheer on my family, friends and people I did not know on their bike journey from Cloverdale to Seattle. People from all walks of life riding together with the same goal. To raise money to fight cancer and to finish a race. You probably wouldn't guess it but I'm actually a very shy introvert person. As a matter of fact the hats that I thought were so cute in the store ended up getting allot more attention than I had bargained for. I guess I didn't really think through the big picture. But maybe that's a good thing. The hats were so that our loved ones participating in the ride would recognise us immediately. Little did I think "the Canadian girls from Calgary?'" would cause such a stir. So I swallowed my pride and cheered loudly. Sometimes I was ignored, other times I made  difference in someones journey. How do I know? Thank you was uttered so many times. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for saying you care. Thank you because I was at the end of my strength output. Thank you because I don't have to walk this alone. It was shown on their faces and felt in their heart. So what happens when there is not a finish line in sight just yet? What happens when the valleys in our life or the obstacles there get too big? What happens when we stop being a cheer leader? Our neighbours house is for sale. They are separating. What happened? Who stopped cheering? Cheering doesn't mean I will always like the journey or the outcome. I was not raised to cheer lead, it does not come naturally to me. But I am a survivor and being that its my job to cheer others on. So here goes;
1.Rudy my husband you are the love of my life. The person I'm committed to growing old together . You are amazing 2. Katie my daughter you are going through tough times right now, but I am amazed at your ability to hold on and carry on. You are amazing 3. Ben as my son in law keep on supporting the family we are all thankful for all you do. You are amazing 4. Dan my oldest son keep on pursuing the desires of your heart. God will guide you ,protect you and love you. You are amazing 5. Kerry , Dans gal you have a great get up and go dream big attitude. You are amazing 6. Mattias thank you for your soft heart never let that go. You are amazing 7. To all my sister and brother in laws, though we don't always see eye to eye I am very grateful to call you family. You are amazing 8. To my nieces and nephews I have always been your greatest cheerleader and always will be, keep up the good work. You are amazing 9. To my friends this journey on earth would not be complete without your faithful friendship. You are amazing 10.To my God and saviour thank you for saving me. I am nothing without you. You are amazing.

Monday, 17 June 2013

My Journey / The Ride

I had not anticipated the whirlwind of this journey that started month's ago. Last year father's day my good friend Bert Wiens participated in his 2nd year of the ride to conquer cancer. For him a big part of his journey was losing a friend and coworker to cancer. We went last year to support him, cheer him on and left the event signed up for next years ride. Well Rudy signed up and I agreed. Then Rudy recruited his two sons, brother and a sons friend ,Bert of course was also riding again. It is hard to put pen to paper or keyboard to screen to describe what this has meant to me. The beat of my heart that had been ticking at a fairly even low keel beat was being pushed to pump harder. It was not a cardio thump, thump you can do it. But more like a zap of electricity used to wake up somebody slipping from life. Those long ago compassionate, tender feelings of grace and mercy that I once was in the thick of had died in the survival mode of life. And as I stood at the cheering stations and cheered the riders on I was overwhelmed by each rider and touched by each survivor and saddened by each person missing because they didn't make it. And I was overwhelmed. And it was good. And I was reminded again, that my heart needs to bleed for others. That's what our journey on earth is all about, we are here to help others. Whether it's volunteering time, giving money, teaching, loving, anything really. Do something for someone. Have a cause in life. It doesn't have to be find a cure for Cancer. Find something and do something about it expecting no returns. You will be overwhelmed , you will have your sock's knocked off, you can make a difference in this world. 

As Rudy and I debriefed last night and we spoke of this event and the tragedy of a young life that was lost in the ride our hearts were broken. Our prayers are with the family, friends , driver and organisation who has to deal with this loss of this very young life. 
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer cannot cripple Love,
it actually makes it overflow.
Cancer cannot shatter Hope,
it actually clarifies what hope is for.
Cancer cannot corrode Faith,
it actually strengthens faith's convictions.
Cancer cannot conquer the Spirit
because courage faces cancer's affliction.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Through the Crack's

So yesterday I did it. What did I do? I had my first physio appointment for my ankle, since I severed my ligament last August.
I saw a physio therapist in Maple Ridge. I was not discouraged by the receptionist question of why I would come all the way out here to see a therapist. My answer because I was told he could help me. Silence. As I filled out yet another questionnaire, people  are just so interested in me. I scanned the waiting area that had been so hard to find. Through to the back building, past the recreation receptionist, up the stairs, through the gym filled with working out bodies, and bingo I opened the door and was in. Now would my appointment get me to stay in this hip swinging club? Oh yeah back to my scan on of my surroundings.  A cute young physio therapist with an English(or is the term british?) accent passed me. I turned white and then red. Thinking to myself maybe this guy won't recognise me. Remember back at Jimmy Pattison in Surrey and my Paska fee askle (is that a word)? Yup, there he was in the flesh...what about me I'm from England don't I get some goodies guy? Do I bolt? Or do I stay? Well I do want to get well, and I know God has a sense of humour and I do need to learn things in life. So I stayed. Maybe he won't remember? Hello Mrs Ekkert, I know you , you look familiar. Yes, yes I do I was treading so carefully. We met at Jimmy Pattison Out patient clinic. I was in your pain management class. Oh, I don't remember all the details, why are you here?
That question again. Why are you here? Well I just had to see your smile again, well I was feeling so good after your treatments and I just wanted you to know that? Ah...No. I need help. He asked so I needed to tell him. And I had all the paper work to document my journey. And the diagnosis is? I'm sorry you have really fallen between the cracks. Yup, yup I have. You should have seen someone month's ago. Yup, yup I should have. Well hopefully now we can help you. Yup, yup that's all I want. Help. The good news is my CRPS is gone, the bad news My treatment needs to be slow so it doesn't come back. The good news that three of my four fractures in my foot don't bother me anymore (I know I thought there was only two fractures, then three and now they found out there was four). The bad news is my ligament is still torn. The good news is he's going to make sure I don't fall through any more cracks, and they should be able to get my ankle more flexible again with allot of hard work.And the good news is that I get to have all my treatment with a guy with a British accent. So is my jar half full or half empty? You be the judge.
On another note. I picked up these charms the other day. Angel wings to remind me God is always watching over me. And a heart to remind me that I am loved, always. 
Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good, and His love is eternal. Psalm 118:1

Monday, 3 June 2013

What's Your Story?

Everyday we run into people. Some happy , some sad, some well your day would have been just fine without them. We were in Palm Springs window shopping. And Rudy and I just passed this most adorable shop and of course I just had to pop in. The window was so inviting with "my little Princess banners" and all fluffy and done up like Candy Floss at our local PNE. How could I not like this shop?
The minute I opened the door a warning bell resounded in my ear warning me not to trespass but I did. The shop was filled to the brim with inviting merchandise but there was no room to observe what might be the hunt and kill of ones shopping spree. There was more hand written signs then walking isle' strollers allowed. What? Selling kids merchandise but not being stroller friendly? Do not touch the flip flops. Do not try on Merchandise on the sale rack. Do not touch the merchandise , period. Look only.What? Well I did find some cute items, despite all the warnings, and was accosted by the sales clerk as she walked right into my dressing room without any warning . She was sadly disappointed as she caught me entirely naked...not trying on forbidden sales merchandise. I began to pray that my husband would not explode as his wife was being treated as a person of interest in a theft investigation. Feeling very undignified but being stubborn more so ,I purchased a few items and left the storm (store).How can something  so wonderful on the outside reflect something entirely different on the inside? My husband and I approached our car in complete silence...and then the question...How could you still buy something in that store.? MMM? Well I had done nothing wrong, and I found something cute and why not ? So there..why not? More silence. We drove back to our Oasis in the dessert, got our pool gear on and relaxed with the non confrontational palm trees and 35 degree tropics, all the while thinking there must be something wrong with this store clerk. She must have been so hurt in her past, maybe I should swing by this store tomorrow, surprise her with a cupcake, buy more merchandise ,ask her  her name and show her someone really does care. So out of curiosity I goggled her store thinking she just had an off day when I was there. The complaints by customers ranged from she yelled and swore at me, to never shop's not worth it. Not just one complaint...but so many. So maybe this store is just one more to check off my bucket list and move on? And although my heart was really feeling bad for this gal , I think I'll just pass next time.
I, the Lord, search the minds and test the hearts of people. I treat each of them according to the way they live, according to what they do. Jeremiah 17:10
May my life not be just window dressing.
And I still believe she had a sad story. So I keep her in my heart and pray for her. And pray that she gets help for whatever went so wrong in her life. Everybody has a story .