Sunday, 23 March 2014

Daniel- turning 30

My boys turning 30 today. Seems like just yesterday....
1.Getting to know you...
You were born to a very patient mom who had been in the hospital delivery room twice waiting for you. Having grown up with only sisters you taught me the importance of two handed diaper changes. You were born with amazing eye and hand coordination and you rairly missed your target. Naps were restricted to 20 minutes a day for you because you had so much exploring to do and why waste it sleeping? Your mischievous smile more often than not kept you out of trouble. Though you remember our kitchen corner it was easy for you to say sorry. You protected your brothers and sisters ferociously. And you loved the outdoors, biking and hockey. At the first inch of snow fall you would awaken with glee and expect the household to join you at 5:30 am. You never tired of pulling your siblings and the neighbours kid's up and down on your sled in that old cudelsac. You had whit and charm and used it well. As a soccer goalie you gave it your all. I marvelled how you never gave up no matter the score. You loved your friends and your dog so deeply. You gained independence and worked very hard.  Well down my son I am very proud of you. I was only 21 when I had you. And though I wasn't always right I did the best I could. I loved you , kissed you and prayed for you.
2.Being your mom
I love being your mom. You have taught me so many things. I love that you resemble your Dad. You are handsome and tall and your smile lights up my heart. You are a man that works hard and plays much.  And now I am having the privilege of growing old with you. I had the Honor of bearing you my son. You are a special gift from God, for a moment put in my care.

Happy Birthday Daniel.

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