Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Thankful Thoughts

Take risk's for God. "Well done good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things" Matthew 25:21
Use your uniqueness to take great risks for God!
The only mistake is not to risk making one...
He lavished you with strengths in this life and a promise of the next. Go out on a limb; he won't let you fall. Take a big risk; he won't let you fail. He invites you to dream of the day you feel his hand on your shoulder and his eye on your face. "Well done," he will say, "good and faithful servant."
Max Lucado
You've probably seen my facebook pics? Seems like the perfect family, the perfect thanksgiving?
I had much trepidation preparing for this trip. So much to do and so much fear combined with a all out get up and no go flu.I wanted to make a perfect holiday , a perfect thanksgiving memory, a time when all in life stands still and we can just be happy. You know a good night John Boy Walton's mountain thanksgiving .But our family is not on Walton's mountain, we are somewhere between Gilligan's Island and Andy , Opie and Aunt Bee.

Now you probably got that tune whistle stuck in your head ? Right?
Anyways, back to my point. When dealing with physical and mental illness your world turns upside down. You wonder and second guess yourself at every angle. You wonder if you should even attempt to bring about some normalcy into your life .And then you open your devotional and the truth just smack's you in the face. Take risks as you are now . Not after you feel better, not after your life's completely cleaned up. Just open your heart as fearful as that may be and let God do the rest. Perfection is not required of you, neither is having all your ducks in a row. Believe me my ducks are all over the pond. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow may never come but we have today.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

O Canada, My Home & Native Land

I was standing in line paying for my groceries,  minding my own business ,when an elderly lady caught my attention. No not by appearance but by the shrill of her voice. I can't believe how expensive everything is in this store. The clerk aiming to please replies it's not so bad especially when you view the weekly flyer's. Well says the old gal, I can't be bothered to look at those. And don't ask me to look up anything on the Internet either, pure evil those computers are...Same with cell phones her rant continues. When someone invites me to their house they better not have a cell phone on the table, I'll leave. Yup I'll just walk right out the door, no dinner guest for you she says. You know I don't like cell phones on the dinner table either, but I like food more...so don't worry I won't leave. Yup, those are the quiet inside thoughts I was having, my outside ones can't be shared. And another thing says she...really I think, there's more? They say Vancouver has the most unfriendly people in the world. Wait a minute my Vancouver? My home and native land? Uh, now she crossed my boundaries. I know some very special friendly people living in Vancouver. I've travelled allot ,always back to Vancouver , Canada, friendliest place on earth. And then it hit me , she had a very strong accent of sorts, clearly English was her second language, clearly positivity was her second language. And I was sad for her. She really is missing out . Just look at Vancouver, my home and native land. It's beautiful, strong and free.
On another note, I don't mind the anthem the way it's written at all. True patriot love in all thy sons command. Nope, don't feel left out at all.