Looked for some ideas on line...
How much does the first hour of every day matter? As it turns out, a lot. It can be the hour you see everything clearly, get one real thing done, and focus on the human side of work rather than your task list.
Remember when you used to have a period at the beginning of every day to think about your schedule, catch up with friends, maybe knock out a few tasks? It was called home room, and it went away after high school. But many successful people schedule themselves a kind of grown-up home room every day. You should too.
1.Don’t Check Your Email for the First Hour. Seriously. Stop That.If you need to make sure the most important messages from select people come through instantly, AwayFind can monitor your inbox and get your attention when something notable arrives. Otherwise, it’s a gradual but rewarding process of training interruptors and coworkers not to expect instantaneous morning response to anything they send in your off-hours.
2.Gain Awareness, Be Grateful.Robbins suggests setting up an “Hour of Power,” “30 Minutes to Thrive,” or at least “Fifteen Minutes to Fulfillment.” Part of it involves light exercise, part of it involves motivational incantations, but the most accessible piece involves 10 minutes of thinking of everything you’re grateful for: in yourself, among your family and friends, in your career, and the like.
3.Do the Big, Shoulder-Sagging Stuff First
4.Choose Your Frog"Choose your frog, and write it down on a piece of paper that you'll see when you arrive back at your desk in the morning, Tripani advises."If you can, gather together the material you'll need to get it done and have that out, too."
5.“Customer Service” (or Your Own Equivalent)
By Kevin Purdy
So maybe you don't agree with all of these items , that's okay, it's somebodies point of view , just like my writing is.
My curiosity was inspired by my conversation with a friend the other day. In the form of a question. How are you? Wow , that was loaded with ammunition.Why? Because lets face it we all put on a happy face before our last look at ourselves in the mirror as we head out the door, and our typical response is always , I'm just fine thank you. Every things good, I'll be alright. Like when I'm sitting in Church Sunday morning , being inspired to let go and let God. And I say yes, and I'm feeling so good, and less than an hour later I'm wondering what happened? If only I could plug into Church everyday, catch a church service to set the grove for the day.Or would that just end up a roller coaster of emotions that end after each service is over?
If I think about it for myself , I think I need to have a routine everyday, starting with God. Hello my friend, it's me Margret, yup me again. And then throughout the day take time to check up on my friend again. Take some me time, take some giving time, take some silence time.
What our your thoughts?
Thankful for
1.Good Friday-Joint Langley church service at -CLA service was amazing , check it out on line
2.And Easter Sunday NLCC church service, Pastor Matthew preaching check it out on line, he is so amazing.
3. Herb and Rosalie Ekkert who hosted 40 of us for Easter dinner.
4. Mattias and Stacey, nothing like young love
5. Kerry and Dan, so glad you could join us
6. Ben and Katie, and the joy you bring to family dinner
7. Being an Opa and Oma , I'm blessed everyday
8. Munchkin smiles
l0. La Conner tulip Festival
11. Sharing it with this special guy by my side.
12. Ivy Inn a great bed and breakfast getaway.