So it's Friday and I'm back on the computer. Most of you haven't missed me at all. You see my adventure started last Monday morning. Rudy was doing office work and I approached the office with the words every man likes to hear. No...not those words -these words-"honey do you want to take me for an ATV ride after work today?". To some of you this is normal to my husband first time ever. You see with all my back issues and such I avoid the ATV. I have a family that giggles with delight on these things...but for me another story. I was feeling brave and strong- I can do we had this gorgeous brand new ATV for another day ( and it wasn't costing us anything) so being the cheap ,adventurous warrior wife that I am I asked for a ride. Yup it was all me. MY husband to my chagrin said he needed to think about this for awhile. So I left my sacrifice of dignity with him and waited with calm suspense until he agreed that it would be a good idea. Short ride, he'll be very careful over the bumps...and he would show me the pleasure of riding in the wild country of Cultas Lake. I was imagining the song "born to be wild and free" my hair whipping in the wind and maybe a romantic kiss by the shores of the water of Cultas Lake.
We decided along with this pleasure to stop by and meet an old friend. He's dying of cancer, he's not much older than us. Was a tough meeting. His family was there we didn't stay long, but we needed to go. We needed to show them we cared, we had no answers for them .They weren't expecting any. Tears were shed, it was sobering. Rudy and I had gone out to a beautiful place for dinner because our friend was sleeping when were first dropped by, the contrast of the pond and it's serenity and the last place before heaven wasn't that different . He was at peace he knew where he was going, he still had a daughter to marry, grandchildren to hug, a wife to grow old with. So much love in each thought, embrace , word.
The words spoken out loud was he's still doing whatever he can until he can't anymore. Living life to the fullest. He was holding on to earth, he still had a daughter to marry. I guess that sealed the fate of my ATV ride, all apprehension of the ATV ride was lost.
We got to Cultas Lake shortly after 6:00pm, and as we were unloading our ATV I voiced jokingly to my husband do we really know what we are doing? Was it the giddiness of trying something new?
Anyways I surprised myself with the authority I used to leap out of my comfort zone and tackle this evening of ours. Even the outdoor plumbing that I partook of didn't phase me one bit. Who are you ? Ya , I know I was asking myself the same question.
Off we went , helmets on (should have worn my back brace-too late). It was beautiful, serene and fun to be on a bike with my sweetie. Anytime it's too much we'll just turn around, okay. OKAY, I got this. Well I had my camera with us and an insatiable desire to take amazing pictures. He promised me a view that trump's all other views I have seen. So when I started to grumble , he cautiously told me it wasn't much further. The next stop we took, had no view and I had been regurgitating my dinner for awhile already and I was walking as a cowboy after a days ride. But when asked, I was okay. Yup that's what I said. Wanted that million dollar view. We drove on, and saw a dear in the distance. He stopped for a picture and drink in the tranquillity . I was too frozen and too stiff to come off the ATV so he took the picture. I kept that news to myself, only I did say I had enough. Now to get back, what's happening in my jaw I thought? I don't normally quench my teeth? Weird, ignored it. MMm, this crazy trail didn't take us back to the truck, then it must be this one, nope not that one either. Seriously how can these trails all not lead in a loop back to the truck? Look at the beautiful sunset honey,said he, yes it is but instead of the romantic kiss I imagined I was starting to get anxious. We did see some beautiful views of the valley below, a deer , and in the end a bear, chased behind him on the trail for awhile...had no intention on stopping for a picture though. And as the sun starting going down I asked him to please not leave me on the mountain for night. He assure me he wouldn't. And I guess after all the head bumping that I experienced from the back of his helmet to my forehead amnesia must have made me think he was right. I did the only thing I could do, held on and prayed to make it back to the truck. You know we made it back because here's the story, 10:00pm, pitch dark, no picture. We drove home in silence, I wasn't mad , just in rough shape. Took a muscle relaxant and thought well this will make a funny story and it will all be over soon.
Not so, well parts of this story were very funny , other part weren't . Long and short the ambulance was called Tuesday late morning, I've never had so much pain in my life. High fever, heart was going wild (again that song, born to be wild and free--what where did that come from?). Blood pressure out of control, etc. I have whiplash and some kinda of a weird virus, that made things even worse. Emergency doctor thought I might have meningitis, but I don't. So that's my story. That's my thoughts. My son had knee surgery yesterday. I think he's in better shape than I am. I'm on the mend, and I defiantly made me some memories.
What are you Friday thoughts? No lectures please this gals already learnt her lesson.
turtles taking a rest |
love these |
Outdoor dinner |
watching the canadian geese |
Calm and serene Church setting |
and the journey begins |
view on our ride |
deer |
another beautiful day |
still smiling |
sun setting-getting a little more worried |
moon out not back to the truck yet |