Monday, 29 September 2014

Shared Lives

The Church Is Living Proof of The love of God

Sunday morning and Pastor Matthew is eating a bowl of pudding. MMM delicious he says, my tummy growls and my mouth waters. Chocolate, vanilla what kind....oh yeah I should be listening...

The proof is in the pudding ,says he. Proof? 

It's not enough to just look at that bowl of pudding, you must taste it and if you want others to enjoy it , share it.

Christianity is only real when shared.

What keeps us from sharing in the life of the Church or others?

1. Too busy. Yup guilty as everyone else.  I was actually offended the other day when someone cut the line in front of me at the grocery store...because you see they were busy they said. And I thought what am I chopped liver? And then I said to myself, get a grip I don't know their story, maybe they had an emergency? It's only a food line up, my turns coming. Go ahead , no worries. As a matter of fact I now make it a habit to look for people that really look troubled and let them in front of me in the line up.

I don't do this to brag, but I know everyone has a schedule, everyone has a story.

Everyone is busy. And you know this small change for me has lead to countless strangers sharing their troubled world with me. There's lot of pain out there.

In our community , in the grocery store in the line up.

2. Shared lives are difficult. Yup they are. If everyone just had the same thoughts, likes and dislikes, piece of cake.

And if everyone could see that life would be easier if they just agreed with what I said...
oops did I just put that in writing?

We are uniquely and beautifully made each one so different. So it takes time to invest in each other. It takes time to get to know each other and yes like each other. Shared community it's demanded of us from God.

Real happiness only comes when it's shared.

I was asked yesterday if I enjoy cooking?

And my reply was no actually I don't . 

I cook because I love what my cooking does. It brings family and friends together to enjoy eating.

It brings together joy and laughter and tears.

It peeks into another persons life and says how are you doing?

It says hello I want to do life with you.

It says there is a welcome here.

Put up your feet and be served.

Why? Because I really love you and want you to know that.

And because I need you in my life. 
Proof is in the pudding? Can you taste it?

Friday, 26 September 2014

What would your 29 year old self say to you?

Dang Jane you had to ask. Good friend of mine posted this question on her blog. Tried to ignore it but my thoughts got into my devotions , into my company book keeping...and I had to open my life and look.
29 seems like yesterday, seems like a lifetime ago.
This would put me at the year 1991. Had my 3rd child in 1990 so he would have been 1. Wow a tiny sweet bundle of energy, younger than my youngest grandchild now. My daughter would have been 9 and my oldest son would have been 7.
All my kids  graduated high school  and are good productive caring Adults I must be so proud of them.
At 29 I been married for 10 years, we were nomads moving from house to house to generate income , work for Rudy. We  moved 9 times.
What's that I see we have been married 33 years and are still in love , like that allot.
And we've been in the same house for 17 years? Must be nice. Must be nice not to pack, and wander place to place.
What FHCC is gone ? No longer my place of worship? No longer a church? Kinda leaves a lump in my throat. My church home is NLCC now, been steady here for how many years?
My sisters passed on to glory? What both of them, how's that possible? In 1994 and 1995 -one year apart? How did I survive that? And 5 years later I got cancer? I survived? How come God left me here on earth, but took my sisters and mom? Are families not suppose to grow old together?
What's that you say -Rudy got cancer in 2002. Isn't there law in the bible about putting too much sorrow on one person?
Not sure I'm enjoying this looking over my shoulder and looking back.
But not all sad times you say? My daughter Katie got married, and has two wonderful children. That must be a taste of heaven on earth. And you say Dan my sons been working for Wood Expressions Flooring since 2000? What my husband runs a successful flooring company? And his son works hand in hand with him can't be more proud.
 What, what's that? My baby is married to a sweet girl? He got over being so shy and asked for someone's hand in marriage? Warms my heart , right down to my toes.
 And Rudy and I are going towards the next stage of life? What where did all the time go?
 We've lost both sets of parents , and we are now the old generation?  At 52? Really?
Whoa just highlights, some insights. I think I will close my thoughts for now and look towards the future.
"I say this because I now the plans that I have for you. This message is from the Lord. I have good plans for you. I don't plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and  future." Jeremiah 29:11
May I say with the apostle Paul "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have served the Lord faithfully. 2 Timothy 4:7
Jane at first I thought this would be easy, but then I discovered it was very hard to write from the point of view of when I was 29-yet I'm 52 now and know everything that has happened to me. Very thought provoking, thanks Jane.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Sunshine For The Day

Life's tiny treasures

Come in small packages

Like the mist off the ocean

Wafting in hours of pleasure

Caught in the gleam
Of an eye

In the soft hands

Of a ladybug
On a child's finger

Savouring the moments

before time moves on

Grandchild of mine

Wishing you never outgrow

These treasures of life
Beheld by this grandma
Locked forever in time.

By, Oma Ekkert

Tuesday, 2 September 2014


Wow, I'm really not Internet savey. I haven't posted on this site for ??? Its been awhile. Could not remember my old pass word -surprise- so moved on to a new blog-which I can't open now because I've upgraded my google account, because I had to and now I'm back in my old site, but only on my old laptop, won't work on my computer. I'm so confused. What happened? And what was wrong with the way things used to be. I like my old life , my old technology. I don't like this laptop thts barely limping nd doesnt like to sent out aaa'sss- didn't fix my spelling so you could see the gist of my complaints.
Well I thought I'd post some uplifting challenging thoughts and here I go complaining. I'm sure it's nothing to do with the rain outside or the fact that I turned on the furnace first time in 4 months or that I'm missing aaa'sss in my writing. So why is it my mood can change in such a short time? Is it any wonder like the saints of the old testament , I grumble and forget to count my blessings as soon as any little life change happens. And why am I so opposed to life changes when everybody tells me they are good for me. And adversity in all shapes and sizes mold's me into a better person. Makes me more understanding, more compassionate they say. Really? I guess I need to do a heart check, because I'm not seeing those qualities in me. Maybe , just maybe my knees are too smooth and my Bible to new. To you the reader I give you light hearted insight into my heart, to God he sees the bigger picture. He knows I need change, he's working on me , but I have to let him. ARRGGG ! I still like things the same, guess I need to check my attitude.