Monday, 1 June 2015

Loving Our Neighbor Is The DNA of Kingdom Living

The sun has one kind of beauty, the moon has another kind, and the stars have another. And each star is different in its beauty 1 Corinthians 15:41. Just like each member of the family of God. Different but beautiful.
Sundays sermon topic. Do not worry about your life.

Hello! Hey Lord in case you haven't noticed I'm scheduled for shoulder surgery today, Rudy my husband still can't use his arm for another 4 weeks, Katie needs my help with the grand children. My young neighbour's going through cancer . Our Church needs a youth pastor...and the list goes on. 

For this reason I say to you , do not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink nor for your body, as to what you shall put on Matthew 6:25.

Jesus is not saying.
1. Fix your own clinical anxiety, your own mental health.
2.He is not addressing our "wants" . He is addressing our "needs". Food, drink, clothing.
3.Jesus does not promise that all people will be fed and clothed at all times. 

But here's where it gets interesting He does promise.
Those who pursue the kingdom and His righteousness will always have there basic needs met,
Food, shelter , clothing.

And here's where the exciting part comes in. If we seek to love God with all our heart , soul and mind, we will want to love our neighbour's as ourselves.

We have left our own selfish behaviour behind, our old way of thinking only about our own lives and moved into God country. A country devoted to God and loving and helping others.
We have changed our DNA to kingdom living.

And when we do this our values change. And we can't live our lives without taking care of others.

That's why Jesus can look at His kingdom and say there will be no needy person among you. Don't be anxious about anything, referring to basic need food, shelter, clothing. 

Seek first the right way of living, our relationship with God, and generosity will happen. 
Listen to that small inner voice that tells you to help someone who is hurting. Provide a meal, offer to babysit, lend a listening ear, hug someone, offer to pay for something. Be part of Gods kingdom, and be the lifeline that meets someones needs.
What will I be known for now and after I'm gone ?
For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them. Augustine.