Yesterday's sermon topic ,fruit of the spirit GENTLENESS.
DEFINITION; Strength restrained by love.
What a great challenge.
Today is our 35th wedding anniversary.
As I reflect back over the years I realise I have so much more to learn about being a wife and a mother. Gentleness , having a gentle and quiet spirit. Spirited is defiantly what I am, but am I gentle? I've been told by many people that I am strong. But am I gentle? Am I humble ? Teachable? Am I motivated by love? Do I place my strength under Gods control? Do I set my rights aside ? Do I deal with others gently? Do I use the right tone when speaking to others? Am I full of pride?
If I'm honest I must say I'm not very gentle. I have a lot to learn. Gentleness for the benefit of others.
My life has not be characterized by gentleness, but I'm willing to change. I'm thankful to God who leads people to speak sermons that speak into my heart. Sermons that convict, bring me to my knees, that challenge me to change. Does this change happen with a snap of my fingers? No, I am no dream of Jeanie, no amount of twitching my nose will make this come to pass.
So today I pray that I will walk the rest of my days in Gentleness. I will stumble , I will fall short. That's when God's grace will take hold of my heart and mind and help me along my journey. Life is always a journey , short or long.
So today added to my Marriage Vows I commit to having a Spirit of Gentleness.
Here's to another 35 years my darling Rudy.
Psalm 103
...and He gives us love and compassion