Saturday, 9 February 2013

Saying Good Bye

He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.
Jim Elliot

Picking through the jig saw puzzles of my heart and saying good bye to a lovely lady. My friend Marie went to be with the Lord today. Even though I knew it was coming, I still said good bye with tears. No more coffee and cookies.  No more smiles and questions. Good bye to a lady that embraced life with graciousness and kindness. Who was frugal and witty.Whose mind was lost in forgetfulness and yet still smiled with recognition in her eyes. You were more than a friend, you were the third mom I needed. A step grandparent to my grandchildren. Your life touched everyone you met. So thank you Marie, my life was blessed by you. You are now with your dear Howard in heaven the place you longed to be. RIP Feb 23, 1923-Feb 9, 2013.

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