Friday, 13 December 2013

Rembering Dad-December 14, 2013

On March 25, 2011 I was given a gift in a box. This gift did not come with shiny paper or a big bow like a newborn baby, but with torn paper and no ribbon at all. To the average observer this gift might be over looked. It was a gift given especially to me.  No gift receipt was enclosed and none was needed. My dad was this gift, heaven sent just for me. He was another place at my table, and took up a bedroom in my house. 

Each season this gift taught me something new.

 Spring taught me to look for new paths; the ones I might otherwise choose might not be the ones I was called to take. 

 Summer taught me to delight in the small things; the importance of family and passing on my faith to the next generation, always prayerfully naming each person by name.

 Fall taught me generosity, give until you can’t give any more, and then give some more. 

Winter taught me to spend time on my knees. God is in control when I can’t be. 

Throughout this gift was a generous and caring heart. If I had to sum up this gift in my box, I would have to read from Mathew 5:3-9,

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called sons of God.” Dad, you truly were blessed with all of these attributes.

Dad, you have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, your time on earth is over.

 My gift is now heavens gift; wrapped in new paper, tied with a cross and sealed with a promise.

How does one sum up a lifetime of memories?  Dad, you were my hero.  My mentor and my friend. You were a true example of a life lived for God. You had a passion for life. You loved your wife and your children. You loved your grand children and great grand children.  The door to your house was frequented often. Farmer sausage and pancakes and fruit salad was served up with gusto. To the cabin, to Paradise, to play kick the can or rousing games of cheat Rook. Campfires and marshmallows and a trips to Bellis Fare, sleep was all but forgotten. You found used bikes and fixed them with care, and supervised your loved ones at that old swimming pool. More hidden treasures you found travelling in your trailer and spending time with your brothers and sisters. Your hand shake was unforgettable, sometimes too firm but always done in gratitude to welcome its receiver. You carried a twinkle in your eye, and definitely loved to tease and be teased. You were the reigning champion Iron Chef of barbecue steak, and passed on your skill to the next generation. No party was ever complete without a steak barbecue meal. And if your mouth didn’t burn after a sample or two...not hot enough said you. You were an avid fisherman making many trips to your favourite lake or shore of the Fraser River. Oh the excitement of fishing season.  Hard work was your motto and you were very skilled with your hands, taking pride in what you made during your years in construction. The joy that came with that never vanished, as later you took up making tables and small items of furniture. You were a handy man around the house, a bit of a perfectionist. You were a man of faith, loved to pray and read your bible.  Words on paper can never describe the joy you brought into my life. You were a good man and you will be missed. Taken from My tribute at my Dads funeral.

Where am I now two years later? I still miss you like crazy Dad. Just the other day I was watching a singing Christmas special and I was sure I saw your hand tapping and an old grin across your face. I'm preparing for Christmas Dad, I know it's coming. And though there will be one less plate at the table, I know there will be one extra present under the tree for me. I'll unwrap it in my heart and hold it ever close. For you see this gift is full of memories.
And tomorrow on your earthly birthday I will be especially thinking about you. And I can hear your prayer of blessing on my life. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May he lift His countenance upon you and grant you peace. Amen ,Dad, amen. May He grant me peace not only today but in the days to come.
You are my rock in times of trouble
You lift me up when I fall down
All through the storm
Your love is the anchor
My hope is in you alone.

Thankful that
God is my anchor
Peace in my heart
Earthly daddy memories
Forgiveness and pardon
Joy not based on circumstances
little eyes that let me view life from a different perspective
Christmas carols
I'm getting a new oven

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