To you it's an ordinary day. To me it's a day of answered prayer. A generation seeped in the love of God. A day in the life of me and my grand children. A day I will never have again, and a day to count my blessing's. When I was a child I mourned the death of my mom and all the future firsts that we would never experience together. When I had my first child I struggled through the raising of my children without a mentor. When I layed to rest my sister's I mourned the firsts that they never would experience. A circle of life not by my choosing but someone greater than I. Someone who walked me through my past and stands by me in the present, and holds my hand in the future. Everyday is gift, a chance to make a difference in someone Else's life. A day of firsts.
Thank for:1.The way to grandma's house is very short. 2.I am loved by my grand children. 3. The prayer's of those gone before me.
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