Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Mennonite Girls Can Eat Humble Pie

You know I thought I had the best of intentions. It's Tuesday and time for my self management pain class. My two class mates were ex. Winnipeger's. On top of all the pain they've had to deal with in their lives they miss home. They miss people caring, their small community...kinda like the show Cheer's -where everyone knows your name. "You know Westerner's they are so unfriendly, nobody cares, nobody wants to help you and the only thing they do care about is their dog. " Well I should have seen the red flags accoming. Yup I'm proud of this West, proud to live here and able to pounce into a hearty rendition of "Oh Canada"at the drop of a hat. So my will took over my heart and I thought I'd show these lovely ladies that us westerners really are hospitable and we really do feel a sense of community towards each other. I got my mixer going in the wee hours of the morning, and made a batch of homemade Easter Bread (Paska) and filled up a pretty good treat bag if I do say so myself and headed out the door to change he world one Winnipeger at a time. I swung my hips into my regular table at Jimmy Pattison and awaited to delight my ever surprised companions . They never showed. I heard a slight grumbling from the back of the classroom that turned into accusations  of bribing my teachers with goodies. You know to get preferential treatment....adult version of teachers pet hopped into my mind and I was mortified. And being the honest person I was I admitted the goodies at my desk were for the two Winnipeger's that normally sit next to me but said that  Westerners weren't friendly, so I was trying to change that by bringing them something special. Golly you must be able to see the red glow still emanating from my face. There was silence in the room until   a fellow in the back piped up that he was from Winnipeg too, so I offered him the one basket, and I asked if anyone else was from Winnipeg.?..no, no...stupid me. By this time I had both of my feet in my mouth, and my mouth was getting very dry. And then the teacher piped up, what about me ? I'm from England, so I give him the other basket...just stop the bleeding okay! I made it through the next hour of class, relatively still intact. After our break both of our teachers approached me and asked if I would hand out the Easter Bread and goodies to the whole class. So there I sat, red faced , carving the Easter Bread (Paska) no longer out of the goodness of my heart , but from underneath the table that I so longed to belong to. Moral of the story, a)well layed out plans aren't always Gods plans b)If you know me at all I like to be unnoticed in a room of strangers c) humble pie doesn't taste that good and I eat just about anything d)I'm hoping Winnipeger's won't hate me.
Thankful for;
Paska it really was delicious
New days to start over
New life to start over
Easter chocolate's

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