Tuesday 25 March 2014


The Ache for healing . The hands of the King are the hands of a healer. J.R.R. Tolkien

Our desire for healing holds a special tension: If we believe that God is powerful , if we believe in his ability to heal, what do we do with the uncertainty of whether or not he will? And if he does not heal when healing is desired, should we construe that as a reflection of his diminished love or power, an indication that something is not right with us, or simply a reality to be dealt with--nothing more? It's that "Will YOU" gap that gets us-the aching , vacant space between what we believe God can do for anyone and hope what he will do for us. Leigh Mcleroy.

Was at the Freedom Biker Church last Sunday. Three testimonies of God and his power in the lives of individuals. Redemption , change ,grace, miracles. God is at work. The Sunday before at NLCC church we were morning the loss of a young man succumbed to cancer. We all believed, we all prayed -so where's the miracle ? God is still at work.

Can I be so bold as to say? Sometimes healing sometimes not. It is a huge struggle to remain weak and yet hopeful before a God that can change everything if only He would.  We all have begged for healing. I am not exception. We've all seen miracles, we've all been touched by death.

Good people get sick and die, even on bright blue days. Things get broken , even in the midst of beauty. "We live on holy ground". And whether our brokenness is healed here in the now or in the distant "not yet" , healing always comes, when it comes, at the hands of our wounded King.
 Eugene Peterson.

I understand the ache of praying for healing and waiting for results. Maybe you do too? God sees us , God hears us. God holds us .

And it's as if the next paragraph was written just for me.
The hands of the King have healed me too. From sickness and from sorrow, from broken hearts and broken bones, from sin and from sadness, and from grief that seemed to great to bear. I have never placed myself in those hands and regretted the choice to do so, even when the result was not what I might have hoped for.When and how have you been healed? For what healing do you still wait? Can you see the beauty of your brokenness or another's-and believe in the weight of glory that will one day be yours? leigh Mcleroy

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